The CE marking is mandatory for all products for which a EU Directive/Regulation exists; it is affixed by the manufacturer of a regulated product which declares that its performance has been evaluated and is kept under control in accordance with the relevant harmonized technical specification (harmonized standard or European Assessment Document), and that the product can therefore be placed on the Community market and circulated freely. Construction products, defined as products intended to be permanently incorporated in construction works or parts thereof, are governed by Regulation EU No 305/2011 (CPR) which repealed Council Directive 89/106 / EEC (Construction Products Directive – CPD).
In order to draw up the declaration of performance and affix the CE marking on a construction product, it is generally necessary to carry out the following activities:
– determination of the product type on the basis of type testing, (including sampling), type calculation, tabulated values or descriptive documentation of the product;
– implementation of a factory production control (FPC);
– initial inspection of the manufacturing plant and of the FPC;
– continuous surveillance, assessment and evaluation of the FPC;
– audit-testing of samples taken before placing the product on the market.
These activities may be the responsibility of the manufacturer or of a Notified Body: depending on on how the product affects to people end environment security and health, 5 different systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) are determined, from 4 to 1+.
The Materials Testing Laboratory (LPM) is a Product Certification Body accredited by Accredia and Notified Body no. 1777 pursuant to Regulation EU 305/2011. The accreditation certificate with the details of certification scope can be consulted on Accredia website: Product Certification Body no. 0317PRD. The updated list of Material Testing Laboratory notifications can be consulted on the European Community’s Nando website: Notified Body 1777.
The certificates issued by the Materials Testing Laboratory, as part of the activities of product certification and certification of factory production control, can be viewed on the page CE Certificates .
LPM procedure in carrying out the assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) of construction products for the purposes of CE marking and the relations with manufacturers applying for certification are governed by LPM/DOC.00.007 AVCP Regulation.
The Notified Body 1777 is committed to ensuring maximum impartiality in the provision of certification services: Statement of Impartiality.
Applications for certification shall be submitted to the LPM by filling in the appropriate form LPM/MOD.00.201 Application for AVCP activities .
For further information on the certification process please send an e-mail to: Elena Pini –
Forms for the submission of complaints or appeals:
LPM MOD.00.029 Complaint Form LPM MOD.00.030 Appeal Form