Activities carried out by the LPM as Notified Body 1777 under the Construction Products Directive (89/106 CPD) and Regulation EU 305/2011

Register of certified products or test reports
Manufacturer: SOMMA S.r.l. – Roma – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-24.01, rev.1 of 08.03.2024 – Elastomeric Bearings
Reference standard: EN 1337-3:2005
Status: valid from 12.02.2024 (first issue)
Manufacturer: BEARINGS AND JOINTS S.r.l.– Torreglia (PD) – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-23.02, rev.0 of 22.12.2023 and annex rev. 0 of 22.12.2023 – Hydraulic Fuse Restraints FP
Reference standard: hEN 15129:2009
Status: valid from 22.12.2023 (first issue)
Manufacturer: BEARINGS AND JOINTS S.r.l.– Torreglia (PD) – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-23.01, rev.0 of 22.12.2023 and annex rev. 0 of 22.12.2023 – Fluid Viscous Dampers FT-D
Reference standard: hEN 15129:2009
Status: valid from 22.12.2023 (first issue)
Manufacturer: DELLNER DAMPERS AB – Flen – Sweden
Certificate: 1777-CPR-22.02, rev.0 of 06.05.2022 and annex rev. 0 of 06.05.2022 – Fluid Viscous Dampers
Reference standard: hEN 15129:2009
Status: valid from 06.05.2022 (first issue)
Manufacturer: BEARINGS AND JOINTS S.r.l.– Torreglia (PD) – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-22.01, rev.1 of 17.01.2024 and annex rev. 1 of 17.01.2024 – Spherical Bearings 
Reference standard: hEN 1337-7:2004
Status: valid from 02.03.2022 (first issue)
Manufacturer: BEARINGS AND JOINTS S.r.l.– Torreglia (PD) – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-21.04, rev.1 of 17.01.2024 and annex rev. 1 of 17.01.2024 – Pot Bearings 
Reference standard: hEN 1337-5:2005
Status: valid from 15.09.2021 (first issue)
Manufacturer: DAHT S.r.l.– Crispiano (TA) – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-21.03, rev.0 of 30.07.2021 and annex rev. 3 of 15.05.2023 – Fluid Spring Dampers
Reference standard: hEN 15129:2009
Status: valid from 30.07.2021 (first issue)
Manufacturer: DAHT S.r.l.– Crispiano (TA) – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-21.02, rev.0 of 08.07.2021 and annex rev. 4 of 19.01.2024 – Fluid Viscous Dampers
Reference standard: hEN 15129:2009
Status: valid from 08.07.2021 (first issue)
Manufacturer: BEARINGS AND JOINTS S.r.l.– Torreglia (PD) – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-21.01, rev.1 of 17.01.2024 and annex rev. 2 of 17.01.2024 – Shock Transmission Unit 
Reference standard: hEN 15129:2009
Status: valid from 29.01.2021 (first issue)
Manufacturer: DAHT S.r.l.– Crispiano (TA) – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-20.01, rev.0 of 14.12.2020 and annex rev. 0 of 14.12.2020 – Mechanical Fuse Restraint 
Reference standard: hEN 15129:2009
Status: valid from 14.12.2020 (first issue)
Manufacturer: BIEMME S.r.l.– Lucrezia di Cartoceto (PU) – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-19.03, rev. 0 of 17.12.2019 and annex rev. 2 of 10.04.2024 – Displacement Dependent Device
Reference standard: hEN 15129:2009
Status: valid from 17.12.2019 (first issue)
Manufacturer: DAHT S.r.l.– Crispiano (TA) – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-19.02, rev.0 of 04.06.2019 and annex rev. 5 of 28.05.2024 – Shock Transmission Unit 
Reference standard: hEN 15129:2009
Status: valid from 04.06.2019 (first issue)
Manufacturer: RONAM GOMMA GROUP S.r.l. – Treviolo (BG) – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-18.02, rev.1 of 25.01.2021 – Elastomeric Bearings
Reference standard: EN 1337-3:2005
Status: valid from 15.11.2018 (first issue)
Manufacturer: FREYSSINET INTERNATIONAL & CIE – Rueil Malmaison Cedex (France)
Certificate: 1777-CPR-11.01, rev. 1 of 21.09.2020 and annex rev.1 of 21.09.2020
Reference standard: hEN 1337-7:2004
Status: valid from 11.06.2018 (replaces the certificate 1777-CPD-11.01, first issue 30.09.2011)
Manufacturer: EDILMATIC S.r.l. – Pegognaga (MN) – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-18.01, rev.1 and annex rev. 2 of 15.12.2022 – Displacement Dependent Device
Reference standard: EN 15129:2009
Status: valid from 13.04.2018 (first issue)
Manufacturer: FREYSSINET INTERNATIONAL & CIE – Rueil Malmaison Cedex (France)
Certificate: 1777-CPR-16.02, rev.2 of 21.09.2020 and annex rev. 2 of 21.09.2020 Fluid Spring Damper ISOSISM PDS (Prestressed Damper Spring)
Reference standard: EN 15129:2009
Status: valid from 17.10.2016 (first issue)
Manufacturer: FREYSSINET INTERNATIONAL & CIE – Rueil Malmaison Cedex (France)
Certificate: 1777-CPR-16.01, rev.3 of 18.12.2023 and annex rev. 4 of 16.02.2024 TETRON POT and ALGAPOT pot bearings.
Reference standard: EN 1337-5:2005
Status: valid from 08.07.2016 (first issue)
Manufacturer: TTM tension technology srl – Ceprano (FR) – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-15.06, rev.1 of 18.03.2019 and annex rev. 2 of 19.03.2024 mono strand post tensioning system 
Reference standard: ETA 15/0321 of 05.05.2016
Status: valid from 14.12.2015 (first issue)
Manufacturer: TTM tension technology srl – Ceprano (FR) – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-15.07, rev.1 of 18.03.2019 and annex rev. 2 of 19.03.2024 multi strand post tensiong system 
Reference standard: ETA 15/0329 of 05.05.2016
Status: valid from 14.12.2015 (first issue)
Manufacturer: MAGEBA S.A.– Bülach – Switzerland
Certificate: 1777-CPR-15.05, rev.0 of 27.07.2015 and annex rev. 0 of 27.07.2015 – Mechanical Fuse Restraint
Reference standard: EN 15129:2009
Status: valid from 27.07.2015 (first issue)
Manufacturer: COSTRUZIONI FUTURE S.r.l.– Erbusco (BS) – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-15.04, rev.2 of 18.03.2019 and annex rev. 3 of 18.03.2019 – Shock Transmission Unit 
Reference standard: hEN 15129:2009
Status: valid from 15.6.2015 (first issue)
Manufacturer: MAGEBA S.A.– Bülach – Switzerland
Certificate: 1777-CPR-15.02, rev.1 of 16.11.2016 and annex rev. 2 of 16.06.2020 – Lead Rubber Bearing
Reference standard: EN 15129:2009
Status: valid from 28.04.2015 (first issue)
Manufacturer: MAGEBA S.A.– Bülach – Switzerland
Certificate: 1777-CPR-15.01, rev.1 of 28.09.2022 and annex rev.4 of 05.09.2023 – Shock Transmission Unit 
Reference standard: EN 15129:2009
Status: valid from 5.02.2015 (first issue)
Manufacturer: I.R.O.S.p.A. – Odolo (BS) – Italy
Certificate: 1777-CPR-14.05, rev.2 of 06.02.2018
Reference standard: EN 10025-1:2004
Status: valid from 10.09.2014 (replaces the certificate 1777-CPD.09.02_rev 2 of 26.06.2013, first issue 19.11.2009)
Manufacturer: MAGEBA S.A. – Bülach – Switzerland
Certificate: 1777-CPR-14.04, rev. 1 of 27.07.2015 and annex rev. 1 of 27.07.2015 – Fluid Viscous Damper
Reference standard: EN 15129:2009
Status: valid from 1.08.2014 (first issue)