The Laboratorio Prove Materiali has obtained from ACCREDIA the extension of the Accreditation to new test fields.
In addition to tests on polymer matrix composite materials and fiber-reinforced cementitious matrix composite materials, the Lab performs now tests on materials and railway components in compliance with the UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2018 standard and with the requirements established by the national accreditation body ACCREDIA:
– Static, dynamic and fatigue tests on prestressed monoblock sleepers;
– Pull-out test and effects of severe environmental conditions on concrete products with under sleeper pad (USP));
– Evaluation test of the effects of exposure to severe environmental conditions on tracks fastening systems;
– Corrosion test in artificial atmospheres on metallic materials: salt spray test with NSS (neutral salt spray) method.
The current list of the accredited tests and the relevant standards are available on the ACCREDIA website (Laboratory no. 1275 E).