Liberato Ferrara, PhD, is associate professor of Structural Analysis and Design and holds the Italian National qualification to full professor.
He has been Fulbright visiting scholar at the Center for Advanced Cement Based Materials, Northwestern University, IL, USA and is visiting professor at Beijing Jiaotong University, PRC.
He is the chair of H2020 project ReSHEALience, “Rethinking coastal defence and Green-energy Service infrastructures through enHancEd-durAbiLity high-performance cement-based materials”. He has been responsible of the PoliMi research group in two EU-FP7 projects and coordinated bilateral scientific cooperation projects Italy/South Korea, Italy/India, Italy/Israel and Italy/Germany.
He is currently chair of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) TC 544-Fiber Reinforced Concrete and Italian representative in the COST Action 15020 SARCOS- Self healing as preventive repair in concrete structures.
He authored more than 60 papers published in peer reviewed journals on his research interests, which include material concept and structural applications of advanced cementitious composites, self-healing concrete, 3D printing with cementitious materials and sustainability of cement-based materials and structures.